Ramadan is the month which has many advantages. His return after two months nor less privileges of Rajab and Sha'ban. For the purpose of nourishing a sense of responsibility and sense of worship to Allah'd like to add during Ramadan, here brought some of the hadith that tells the story of advantages.
Abu Hurayrah said: The Prophet said, which means: When was the arrival of Ramadan, the gates of heaven opened and closed the gates of hell and the devil was tied.
-Hadis Issued by the imam Bukhari, Muslim, Nasai'e, Ahmad and Baihaqi-
From Abu Hurayrah from the Messenger of Allah said which means: He who fasts Ramadan with faith and sincerity will surely pardon their sins of the past.
- Naration Nasai'e priest, Ibn Majah, Ibn Habban and Baihaqi-
Abu Hurayrah said: I heard the Messenger of Allah say about Ramadan, which means: Anyone who founded it (Ramadan) full faith and sincerity forgiven him what his previous sins.
- Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim, Tarmizi, Abu Daud, Nasai'e, Malik, Ahmad and Baihaqi-
Abu Hurayrah said: Messenger of Allah said which means: prayer that difardhukan to worship what was previously a guardian between the two, and Friday to Friday before a guardian of what is between them, and month to month (of Ramadan) is between what kaffarah them except three groups: Shirk in Allah, and the Sunnah leave agreement (violated). Abu Hurayrah said: And I know that things will happen, so I asked: O Messenger of Allah! Shirk with Allah as we know, there is agreement and leaving the sunnah? Prophet said: The agreement that you enter into an agreement with another person then you melanggarinya oath and you killed him with the sword you die while the sunnah then out of the church (Islam).
-Hadis Of Ahmad, Al-Hakim, and Baihaqi-
From Abu Salih Al-Zayyat that he had heard Abu Hurairah said: Rassullah Allah said which means: Every son of Adam practice fasting for him except it for Me and I will reward you. And fasting is a shield, so if someone is on the fast day he approached prohibited (making out) on that day and not raise voice.Sekiranya he insulted or attacked, then he said: 'I am fasting for the sake of God which the Holy Prophet Muhammad dealt with the smell changes fasting person's mouth is more fragrant in the sight of Allah on the Last Day of the smell of musk, and for the fast two joys in which he rejoiced with them when they break open and have fun with the time when he met his Lord happy with his fast.
-Hadis Of imam Bukhari, Muslim, Nasai'e, Ahmad, Ibn Khuzaimah, Ibn Habban and Baihaqi-
1. The Hadith tells how great the advantage of Ramadan to us together with all the power it sunnah practice.
2. The door of heaven is open during Ramadan, while the gates of Hell are closed. It describes how God is so merciful His devout worship and obey all laws.
3. Satan is bound during the month of Ramadan so that we can deliver on his worship with sincerity. But we have to remember that the devil is a friend to us that lust will replace Satan task if we default.
4. The importance of sincerity and our faith in the discharge of worship.
5. Fasting is able to shield themselves from falling to the valley of sin, so also he is able to eliminate all the sins of the past if we truly repent.
6. We must revive the Sunnah of the greatest of which is located in the community of Islam, especially in restoring the Islamic Caliphate, which has long been destroyed on 1924.
7. Keep away from Shirk in Allah, whether in the form of action, intention or conversation. We must abide by the agreements made as long as it does not violate Islamic law.
8. We must fast on all members rather than on food and drink.
9. The smell of the mouth of a fasting person is more fragrant than musk.
10.Orang fast will achieve happiness when breaking two and when one day meet God.
11. In the discharge of fasting we must be patient and do not like empty talk let alone raise their voices when speaking.
Thank you for reading
Advantages Ramadhan.